For many travelers, being able to save money and have the adventure of a lifetime on a budget is an important factor. However, whilst there are several great methods of keeping costs down whilst you travel, such as choosing to travel to inexpensive countries, staying in self-catering accommodation, making your own food and using public transport to get around, there are certain aspects of your trip where you might find that it’s certainly worth paying more for your own safety and comfort. Here are some of the things that you don’t want to cut corners on whilst traveling.
#1. Adventures:
If you’re traveling and want to do something adventurous such as climbing Kilimanjaro, jumping out of a plane, white water rafting for the first time or another extreme sport, then it’s certainly worth splashing out a little extra money for a tour package and experienced guide. Bear in mind that cut-price tickets for these types of adventures can often be dangerous, especially in countries where this type of thing is not heavily regulated. Paying more for a safe and secure experience is always worth it; the last thing that you want to do is compromise your safety or risk your life.
#2. Food:
When it comes to buying food whilst you travel, being savvy about where you eat is important for staying healthy and well. Whilst street food vendors may offer great prices and food that looks and smells awesome, it’s worth erring on the side of caution when getting food off the street. For example, make sure that you can see the food being cooked at high temperatures and ensure that it is still hot when you buy it. If not, then it’s not worth the risk of getting food poisoning; spend a little more money at a well-established and reputable restaurant instead.
#3. Sun Protection:
If you are traveling in a hot climate, then the one thing that you really don’t want to skimp on is protection from the sun. Since using more sunscreen is always the better option, you might find yourself in a position where you need to stock up on more from a local store. Continuing to ensure that you are protected from the harmful UV rays of the sun is an essential whilst traveling, so make sure to invest in a high-quality brand and more than you need.
#4. Insect Repellent:
Depending on where you are traveling, you might be at a higher risk of contracting mosquito-borne diseases, such as malaria. Ensuring that you are well-protected against bugs, insects, and mosquitos at all times is something that you should never cut corners on, as it could be the difference between you returning home healthy or unwell. Invest in a high-quality insect and mosquito repellent, mosquito tablets, and nets for the night time if needed.
When traveling, there are various things that you can do to save money and cut costs. However, some things, such as your health and safety, are too precious to cut corners with.