The Benefits of Travel Blogging

As a world traveler, a travel blog is an excellent method to document your international exploits. Not only does a travel blog allow you to personally reflect on your travel experiences in a manner that is more introspective than simply reviewing your Photo Cloud, it also allows you to provide invaluable information to individuals considering exploring the places to which you have journeyed. If the intrinsic reward of writing is not quiet motivating enough, established bloggers have the potential to receive monetary compensation for their writing directly through their blog, travel sites, and also through special local promotions along their journey. If you are interested in starting a blog the first step is to find the best blogging platform and go from there.

Before the days of smartphones, one of the most important items in our luggage when traveling anywhere from the next city to lands abroad was our camera. Photographs are an essential tool in documenting any journey. While it is true that a photo is worth a thousand words, photos at times fail to express the cultural or emotional significance of an experience. One great feature of having a travel blog is that you can incorporate written stories alongside your photos, allowing you to preserve the individual significance of each new traveled experience.

One of the more altruistic components of developing a travel blog is providing first hand information to others about the places you have visited, which they would not be able to otherwise glean. TripAdvisor will let people know that the Louvre is one of Paris’ must see attractions. However, developing a travel blog will let these people know that if they plan their trip to the Louvre on the first Sunday of the month they will get in for free, and if they use the little know underground entrance to the Louvre – directly off the Paris Metro – they will be able to bypass the queue, which averages a two hour wait during peak hours.

A travel blog also allows you to document the vast cultural diversity and unique political customs that you encounter during your international adventures. Let your followers know that if they are traveling to Muscat during the holy month of Ramadan they will be expected to fast from sunrise to sunset, even if they do not follow the Islamic faith. Help your friends plan ahead for their trip to Havana by explaining that Cuba does not accept credit or debit cards from US financial institutions. Simply let your forgetful friends know if they are planning a trip to Argentina in July they should bring a jacket because the southern hemisphere’s winter is opposite to the northern hemisphere. Every travel experience that you document in your blog will truly impact future travelers.

Your writing as a world traveller is not limited to solely documenting your journeys or helping others plan their future adventures. A well established travel blog can easily generate passive income for you simply by monetizing your blog with one of the copious ad-based platforms available to personal websites. Travel sites and local tourist attractions also seek out individuals with well established travel blogs to do freelance writing for them, which is a great method of financing future adventures.

There are many incentives to consider when thinking about beginning your travel blog. Whether those incentives are personal or whether you are interested in documenting your experience for others, a travel blog is a great addition to your travel regimen.

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